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Tenant Voice

We put our tenants and customers at the heart of everything we do.

Our dedicated Customer Voice Team facilitates informal engagement opportunities and formal tenant governance and scrutiny framework to ensure that our tenants drive change and influence decision-making at every level of the organisation. 



Tenant committees and groups

Including tenant experience as part of our governance structure means we can share what's best for our tenants and communities at the heart of the organisation.

Our Tenants' Voice - Improving Services group (formerly known as the Scrutiny Pool) is made up of tenants from across Progress Housing Group. It completes reviews on different areas of the organisation to identify what we do well and make recommendations for improvements in areas where we could do better. 

The Tenants' Forum comprises volunteer tenants, who receive updates on information and performance for comment before they are presented to our Board. 

The Tenants’ Forum meets every quarter and gives tenants the opportunity to have their say, make comments and ask questions on the information presented.  

This group is made up of volunteer tenants who help us to quality check our complaints and compliments process. The group meets twice yearly to look at our performance in responding to complaints and compliments.

They also use real-life examples of complaints received (anonymised) to check that we are following our process and make suggestions for improvements that could be made.

We hold short sessions to talk about specific services to find out what our tenants think, what we are doing well and what could be improved.  

Our tenant panel decides how we can best spend our Community Investment Fund to support community groups and projects.

Our volunteer tenants play a vital role in checking the quality of our services.

Progress volunteers - community

Our community volunteers carry out a monthly check of their area to let us know how it looks, what is good, and what could be improved.

We use these comments to create actions to resolve immediate issues and help develop improvement plans for the local area.

Progress volunteers - homes

Our home volunteers help with quality checks on properties that are about to be let to new tenants. Sometimes, this will be a visit to a property or a virtual check using video and photographs. They comment on whether they would be happy to move to the property and what would make the property more attractive to new tenants.

Talk Back

Our Talk Back volunteers provide feedback on their experience when contacting the Group by telephone or live chat. They let us know if their enquiry was resolved and if it was handled politely.