The Group offers a varied business proposition, with our principal services being the provision and development of social housing. This is reflected in our supply chain as we engage with a wide variety of organisations for a broad range of goods and services. Our supply chain members are diverse not only in the goods and services they provide but also in the size and structure of their organisations. Through our procurement processes, we actively encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to apply to join our supply chain to promote local business initiatives.
Our Procurement Policy fully reflects what we do and what we require of our business partners (including assessment and procurement routes for development) to ensure full compliance with the Modern Slavery Act requirements. We ensure that any supplier or sub-contractor we work with goes through a comprehensive assessment process. As part of the procurement process, we ask bidders what they do to ensure their own business and supply chain is free from modern slavery. Where this cannot be evidenced to the satisfaction of the Group, we would actively exclude them from further involvement in a tender process.