Tenant Satisfaction Measures are a series of standardised questions designed to assess how well social housing landlords are doing at providing good-quality homes and services.
In April 2023, it became law for landlords to report TSMs to the Regulator of Social Housing.
There are 22 TSMs in total, and they are split into 2 parts:
- 12 tenant perception survey measures that are collected by surveying tenants directly
- 10 performance measures that are collected through management performance information.
Thank you to the 317 tenants who gave us feedback in our latest survey (1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024).
By anonymously sharing your honest opinions of our services, you are helping us to focus on the key areas that matter most to you – such as keeping our properties in good repair, respectful and helpful engagement, and responsible neighbourhood management. It is only with your help that we can improve our services for all of our tenants.
The annual tenant satisfaction and management performance measures for year-end 2023/24 are at the bottom of this page.

Overall satisfaction

Satisfaction with repairs

Satisfaction with the time taken to complete the most recent repair

Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained

Satisfaction that the home is safe

Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them

Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect

Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained

Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods

Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour
Our approach to TSMs
How do we collect your feedback?
We use an independent organisation called Acuity to ensure all feedback is collected fairly and impartially. We do not target particular groups or leave anyone out when conducting the survey, and we have had our TSM methodology independently verified through an internal audit by an independent company, which received ‘substantial assurance’.
How many tenants have we contacted so far?
For Q3, we surveyed 317 tenants between 1 October and 31 December 2024. Q4 surveys will start in mid-February 2025.
We always speak to a wide range of tenants to ensure that the feedback we receive is representative of all our customers.
What questions do we ask?
We use one set of questions for our general needs and shared ownership tenants and homeowners, and a second set of questions designed specifically for supported living tenants.
You can view the questions we ask here:
Annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures | Year End 2023/24
We report on the 12 tenant perception performance measures quarterly and annually. These are tenant perception performance measures for 2023/24:
TSM No | Measures | Year End Group 2023/24 Actual |
TP01 | Overall satisfaction | 75.1% |
TP02 | Satisfaction with repairs | 74.3% |
TP03 | Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair | 67.3% |
TP04 | Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained | 72.4% |
TP05 | Satisfaction that the home is safe | 78.2% |
TP06 | Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them | 63.2% |
TP07 | Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them | 70.2% |
TP08 | Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect | 78.8% |
TP09 | Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints | 43.1% |
TP10 | Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained | 71.0% |
TP11 | Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods | 66.1% |
TP12 | Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour | 62.3% |
Annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures Management Information | Year End 2023/24
In addition to the Tenant Perception Measures, we report the 10 management performance measures annually.
These are management performance measures for 2023/24:
TSM No | Measures | Year End Group 2023/24 Actual |
CH01(1) | Number of stage one complaints relative to the size of the landlord | 87.7 |
CH01(2) | Number of stage two complaints relative to the size of the landlord | 3.4 |
CH02(1) | The proportion of stage one complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales | 92.8% |
CH02(2) | The proportion of stage two complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales | 77.8% |
NM01 (1) | Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord | 56 |
NM01 (2) | Anti-social behaviour hate cases relative to the size of the landlord | 0.4 |
RP01 | Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard | 0.2% |
RP02(1) | The proportion of non-emergency repairs completed within the target timescale | 82.3% |
RP02(2) | The proportion of emergency repairs completed within the target timescale | 89.9% |
BS01 | Gas safety checks | 100% |
BS02 | Fire safety checks | 99.8% |
BS03 | Asbestos safety checks | 98.5% |
BS04 | Water safety checks | 95.6% |
BS05 | Lift safety checks | 98.9% |
Tell us what you think
Let us know if you know how we can provide better services or improve how we do things.
We have a dedicated Customer Voice Team whose role is to understand and champion the voice of our customers.
They work with customers and tenants to understand ways we can make our services better and improve our customers’ experience.
Your feedback has shaped initiatives that have helped tackle key issues and improved how we deliver our services.
You can also find out more about how well we are delivering our Customer Promises, dealing with complaints, and making sure we provide Value for Money.
You can also read our strategies, which shape our services, and understand the policies that help us to deliver them in a fair and transparent way
Useful links
You can download our quarterly and annual TSM reports below. They are published with the latest first.
If you need an accessible format, please let us know.