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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing requires all registered providers to generate and report Tenant Satisfaction Measures as part of the new Customer Standards framework.

All social housing providers in England must collect data on a new set of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). These are part of a new system developed by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing at providing good quality homes and services.

The measures are aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing, by:

  • Providing visibility, letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing. And enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account
  • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants

The TSMs are designed to see how well landlords are doing at keeping properties in good repair, maintaining building safety, respectful and helpful engagement, effective handling of complaints and responsible neighbourhood management. The TSMs are grouped around these five themes.

Find out more about how well we are delivering our Customer Promises, dealing with complaints, meeting our Tenant Satisfaction Measures and making sure we provide Value for Money

You can also read our strategies, which shape our services, and understand the policies that help us to deliver them in a fair and transparently way.

Tell us what you think

Let us know if you know how we can provide better services or improve how we do things.

We have a dedicated Customer Voice Team whose role is to understand and champion the voice of our customers.

They work with customers and tenants to understand ways we can make our services better and improve our customers’ experience.

Your feedback has shaped initiatives that have helped tackle key issues and improved how we deliver our services.



Performance reports

Thank you to all tenants who took the opportunity to complete our recent Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) survey.

We have collated the results and summarised them here: Summary of results

Our survey results found that 77% of our tenants (general needs, independent living, shared owners, and supported housing customers) are satisfied with our overall service. This shows a healthy improvement of 4%, compared to our survey for 2022/23.

We are also pleased to see high satisfaction levels under the safe homes measure (78%) and that you think we treat you fairly and respectfully (80%).

What can we improve?

We are looking at our complaints handling score (35%) and continuously reviewing feedback to see how we can improve satisfaction going forward.

We are also looking at the satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenants views and acts upon them. We measure (63%) to ensure we have systems and procedures to listen to what you are telling us and then ensure that this is followed up.

We also had more than 700 individual comments and suggestions as part of the survey. We will look at each of these to create action plans and improve services. Many of these comments may result in us contacting the tenant for further information.

What will happen next?

Another group of tenants will be randomly selected to undertake a survey from January to March. These results will be combined from September to December 2023 to form our final performance information for the year 2023/24. These will then be published and submitted to the Regulator of Social Housing.

For more information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and how they affect you, please visit Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Summary of RSH requirements (accessible) - GOV.UK ( (external website)