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Compliments and complaints

We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional high-quality services.

From April 2023 to 31 March 2024, we received 1,198 complaints and 190 compliments across the whole Group.

The data related to TSM looks better because it relates to our low cost rental accommodations units only. Furthermore, only complaints made by tenants with an active tenancy at the time the complaint was raised are taken into consideration. Therefore, some of the complaints included at Group level are not part of the TSM data.

We are members of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme and carry out an annual self-assessment  to ensure compliance with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code and to learn from customer feedback to improve our services.

Learn more about the Housing Ombudsman Service on their website.

Below is a summary of how well we manage and learn from complaints and the learning outcomes identified as part of the process.

Complaints performance

Status: getting better

Overall, we received fewer complaints last year than in the year before.

Changing how we deliver some of our repairs has helped us to improve satisfaction with our repair service. 

Number of complaints received  2022/23  2023/24  2023/24
TSM data**
First point of contact resolution  415  291


Stage one 961  854 655 
Stage two 40 53 36

*The totals do not include the Stage twos as the complaint has already been included in the Stage one figures.

**TSM data relates to our Low Cost Rental accommodation units only. All other data relates to all complaints received by the Group. 

Status: needs improvement

We aim to respond to all stage one complaints within 10 working days.

In 2023/24, we didn't respond to complaints as well as we would have liked. This was partly due to several colleagues handling a complaint, which led to inconsistencies, poor communication, and missing deadlines. 

As a result, we have introduced two dedicated complaints officers, a training programme and a central log for tracking complaints. 

As a result, we have introduced two dedicated complaints officers, a training programme and a central log for tracking complaints. 

Stage one complaints  2022/23  2023/24 2023/24 TSM data 
% stage one complaints responded to within the timescale 90.8%  90.7%  92.8% 

Status: getting better

We aim to respond to all stage two complaints within 20 working days.

In 2023/24, we improved our performance in responding to complaints at stage two.   

Stage two complaints 



2023/24 TSM data 

% stage two complaints responded to within the timescale





Three cases were referred to the Housing Ombudsman (HO) in 2023/24. 


Date logged with HO 

HO findings 

February 2023 

HO referred back to the Group as the complaint had not been through the Group's internal stages. Complaint was dealt with under stage 2 

December 2023 

No maladministration found 

March 2024 

Investigation ongoing 

Stage 1

The Group upheld 661 out of 1145 stage one complaints, which equated to 58%.

The Group partially upheld 227 out of 1145 stage one complaints, which equated to 20% of stage one complaints.

The Group did not uphold 257 out of 1145 stage one complaints, which equated to 22% 

Stage 2

The Group upheld 28 out of 53 stage two complaints, which equated to 52.8%.

The Group partially upheld 12 out of 53 stage two complaints, which equated to 22.6%.

The Group did not uphold 13 out of 53 stage two complaints, which equated to 24.5%.

Following consultation with tenants, our new policy now defines the outcomes of complaints as either ‘got it wrong’, where we uphold a complaint, and we ‘got it right’, where we do not uphold a complaint.

  1. The time we take to complete a repair
  2. How long we take to resolve a complaint
  3. How well we keep you updated about requests such as your repairs or when you report issues such as anti-social behaviour

There are no complaints that the Group has refused to accept within the reporting period.

We have a service improvement plan that uses insights from complaints performance to identify ways to improve - and to keep us on track. 

Our service improvement plan is monitored, and we report on it every quarter to the Executive Board, tenants, and NED leads

You can read the plan below.

We always aim to provide tenants and customers with the best possible service, but we recognise that we don’t always get things right.

As a board, it is extremely important for us to receive information about how we are performing and to hear directly from tenants and customers. We receive regular reports and hear from tenants through the Tenants Voice – Improving Services Group reporting and their scrutiny reviews. This year, we also approved the introduction of two tenant committees with a defined purpose:  

  • To hear the customer and tenant voice. 
  • To shape, influence and review service delivery and performance based on tenant experiences when compared alongside outcome measures e.g. Key Performance Indicators and Tenant Satisfaction Measures, with a focus on continuous improvement. 
  • To recommend / report to Board how the tenants voice can be heard through insight and engagement activity to influence the strategic plan. 

We have reviewed the annual complaints performance report and self-assessment (against the Housing Ombudsman complaints handling code).  

We consider that the number of complaints the Group receives (87.7 at stage 1 per 1000 homes) to be a significant number, but importantly, we are pleased that tenants have the confidence to report concerns to us and provide an opportunity for us to review and put things right.  

During this year, a lot of activity has been undertaken to ensure that we continuously improve services to tenants and to hear the voice of customers. This has been done through:  

  • a consultation on changes to the Group complaints, feedback and redress policy 
  • a deep dive into complaints by the Group Audit and Risk committee 
  • the introduction of two additional complaints resolution officers  
  • development of a new customer service-style developed with colleagues and tenants for the Group (RAMP) 
  • a change in national contractor to improve repairs service delivery 
  • the introduction of healthy homes inspections 
  • a focus on the top priorities for tenants, which includes complaints and communication 
  • learning from complaints embedded in operational service delivery 
  • the introduction of tenant committees with a focus on learning from complaints (due autumn 2024) 
  • the appointment of two NED leads for complaints (also will chair the tenant committees when established) 

Complaints remain a key performance indicator that we monitor to ensure that the voice of the tenant is listened to and acted on to continuously improve.  

May 2024  

Looking forward: our priorities

Housing Ombudsman Code


Time taken to resolve

Learning from complaints

Our service improvement plan

We have a service improvement plan that uses insights from complaints performance to identify ways to improve - and to keep us on track. 

Our service improvement plan is monitored, and we report on it every quarter to the Executive Board, tenants, and NED leads

This is what we are focusing on in 2024.


What we are going to do

Make sure colleagues welcome feedback as a positive opportunity to listen, learn, and improve services.

How we are going to do it

  • Introduce quarterly Learning from Complaint forums for colleagues to share how they have listened, understood, and acted on lessons learned from complaints.
  • Make sure we log and learn from feedback at the first point of contact.
  • Create a new way of monitoring and reviewing service requests.
  • Make sure that we include standard wording advising of the complaints process in all customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Make sure our colleagues are trained in handling complaints.

What we are going to do

Make sure any changes to our policies are completed, shared and communicated.

How we are going to do it

  • Make our processes simpler and clearer
  • Make sure our policies use customer-friendly language

Keep you updated if it is taking longer than we expected to investigate your complaint.

What we are going to do

Make sure all our communications relating to complaints are consistent.

How we are going to do it

  • Use our two new roles of complaint resolution officers to coordinate communications relating to complaints.
  • Develop guidelines and processes for all colleagues to follow when managing communications about complaints.
  • Introduce surveys to check how satisfied you are with how we managed your complaint.


What we are going to do

Improve how we report on complaints so we get a better understanding of what we need to do.

 How are we going to do it

  • Improve the way we categorise complaints to help understand trends better.  
  • Improve how we report to our Executive Team and Board.
  • Develop a more user-friendly way of reporting to our Tenant Committees.

What we are going to do

Make sure all information on our websites and in our leaflets relating to complaints is up-to-date.

How we are going to do it

Review the information we have about complaints on our website and leaflets.

What we are going to do

Resolve more complaints at the first point of contact.

How we are going to do it

Make sure that our colleagues fully understand the difference between a service request, when you are unhappy about something, and when we need to take it further.  

Oversight by the Board

At the heart of our complaints handling process is exceptional customer experience and satisfaction. Our board has two dedicated complaints leads responsible for understanding and addressing complaints to achieve this.

The current board members with responsibility for complaints are Yasmin Fearon and Neil Townsend.

Yasmin and Neil work with Tammy Bradley, Executive Director (Operations, Services, and Support), our corporate lead for complaints, consumer standards, and property health and safety.

Tammy’s role is to ensure that our approach to complaints is clear, simple, and accessible for tenants and customers and that any complaints are dealt with promptly, politely, and fairly.

You said, we did

We understand how important it is that you receive clear and consistent communications and how frustrating it can be to feel that you are not being updated on the progress of any report or request.

We have launched a new programme to get everyone in our organisation on board with what a great customer experience feels like and how they can contribute to delivering it. This will include training, briefings and regular check-ins.


We understand that when you need a repair, you want it completed quickly and to a high standard. We have reviewed how we deliver our repair service and have seen significant improvement in repair times and satisfaction with this service.

We have introduced two new complaint resolution officers to improve how we manage complaints and keep you up to date on progress.