Tammy Bradley
Executive Director (Operations, Services and Support)
Responsibilities – general needs and independent living, customer voice, complaints, Property Services, Progress Lifeline, Key Unlocking Futures
Corporate lead responsibility – Complaints, Consumer Standards, Property Health and Safety
Start Date – March 2008
Tammy has worked in housing since June 1997 and has a BA Hons in Urban Policy and Race Relations and a postgraduate diploma in Housing; and is a member of the CIH, where Tammy is an active mentor to other housing professionals.
Tammy is also a Member of the Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board, a Wellbeing and Mental Health First Aider, and an NHS volunteer responder and has previously undertaken numerous voluntary and paid youth work activities.
Previously voluntary Board Member of a local credit union
Having grown up in social housing, Tammy has always worked in the sector and has a passion for supporting people, hearing the views of others, being inclusive, and making a difference in people's lives. Tammy strongly believes that nothing ever stands still and that different perspectives in every situation can lead to effective change for everyone.