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EDIB networks

Our equality, diversity, and inclusion networks connect colleagues and encourage conversations.

All our networks are initiated and led by our employees, run by our employees for our employees, and sponsored and supported by the organisation.

The networks aim to benefit all employees, including those within the groups, by:

  • Providing a support system for colleagues to share experiences, information, services, ideas and knowledge among people with a common interest
  • Enabling colleagues to feel safe to be themselves at work and to feel positive to achieve their personal and professional goals
  • Improving the visibility of and increasing celebration of diversity within the Group
  • Improving and developing people's understanding of and commitment to EDIB
  • Developing people's thinking and delivering good practice and continuous improvement in EDIB
  • Furthering actions within the Group's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy and action plan
  • Building inclusion
  • Challenging stereotypes
  • Improving understanding of the challenges our tenants may face related to EDIB, and with this knowledge, helping the Group provide a better service
  • Being inclusive to all employees, encouraging participation as possible, with all the networks open to new members from across the Group.

Our networks

Pride in Progress, the Group’s LGBTQ+ Network, was founded in 2021 by colleagues to provide a supportive environment for employees who are lesbian, gay, bi and trans, and allies.

Since its launch, the network has grown into a meaningful and collaborative group with a vital role in the organisation. By helping to give LGBTQ+ employees a critical voice in the Group, the network has ensured that LGBTQ+ inclusion can be embedded across the organisation.

Pride in Progress was the first of the EDI networks to be established at the Group, followed by the Roots and Carers Networks, and later, Meno Movers, our menopause Network.

Our networks' focus has been on visibility, sharing experiences and encouraging debate. Colleagues have shared stories, highlighted awareness events and campaigns, prompted discussion, and encouraged voices from across the Group to be heard.

We are very proud that an LGBTQ+ group exists here at the Group to help colleagues feel welcome. We often publish blogs from employees about why they joined Pride in Progress and the importance of visible LGBTQ+ role models in the workplace.

The LGBTQ+ Network exists to empower LGBTQ+ employees to achieve their full potential by creating a positive and supportive working environment and, in turn, delivering inclusive service to our customers, tenants, and communities.

The network is open to all colleagues, and if you’d like to learn more about being part of the group and when the next meetings are taking place, please visit the network page on the intranet.

The Group’s Roots Network was founded in 2021 by colleagues to promote equality and issues that affect black and minority ethnic people. 

"I think that visible diversity is important; however, having colleagues that actively consider diversity in all they do and do whatever they can to promote racial harmony is fantastic." Tola Adesemowo is the head of operations (Income and communities) and a Roots Network member.

The Roots Network is a group of Progress Housing Group colleagues that celebrate and promote diversity and raise awareness of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic issues. 

The members of the Roots Network are passionate about promoting equality and issues that affect black and minority ethnic people. Some of us are from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, and some of us are allies. Allies are people who are interested in and promote and support black and minority ethnic issues.

"We are not experts, we are learning all the time from each other."  The Roots Network at Progress Housing Group

Our Roots Network members will:

  • Raise awareness of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic issues - be ambassadors
  • Affect strategic change
  • Influence policy
  • Influence communication and marketing - encourage a diverse approach and diversity of people
  • Celebrate and promote diversity
  • Identify learning for individuals and the organisation
  • Create a safe space to speak about issues that are affecting us
  • Be role models.

The network is open to all colleagues, and if you’d like to find out more about being part of the group and when the next meetings are taking place, please visit the network page on the intranet.

At Progress Housing Group, we are proud to have a Menopause Network for colleagues, which was set up in 2021.

Called Meno Movers, our network group raises awareness, providing a safe space to share experiences and support each other without judgement. We welcome everyone to get involved. Formed by, and led by, our colleagues - for all our colleagues - Meno Movers aims to:

  • raise awareness of menopause
  • provide peer support to anyone going through (or supporting someone going through) menopause and perimenopause, and,
  • provide valuable information, support, and signposting.

"I haven't worked for Progress Housing Group for very long, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well the Group acknowledges and highlights menopause issues.

"At my previous employers, menopause wasn't mentioned at all. So, coming to Progress Housing Group and seeing how the Group is willing to support its employees, and acknowledging how it can affect women in the workplace, is a real positive step forward." - Mandy, Continuous Improvement Support Officer, Progress Housing Group.

NEW for October 2023!

During Menopause Awareness Month, we were delighted to launch our Menopause Toolkit. It's a one-stop shop for colleagues to find out more about menopause - the common symptoms, how it can impact people at work and those you work with, possible adjustments to support our colleagues in the workplace and how we can help everyone by having conversations about it.

If you're a Progress Housing Group employee, you can access the Menopause Toolkit via MYLO.

Leading the conversation around menopause at Progress Housing Group

Our Meno Movers members are leading the conversation around menopause at the Group, affecting positive changes in the workplace for colleagues, and making menopause a leading, open, honest and transparent conversation in our workplace - as it should be!

Our menopause section in our employee hub offers resources, training, regular wellbeing sessions, and workplace yoga. Colleagues are also offered practical day-to-day support options such as:

  • Regular catch-ups
  • Support with performance
  • A flexible working arrangement
  • Looking at ways to cool the working environment
  • Homeworking
  • Adjustments to work duties
  • Regular breaks
  • Risk assessments
  • Referral to occupational health
  • Signposting to an employee assistance programme.

Find out more

The network is open to all colleagues, and if you’d like to learn more about being part of the group and when the next meetings are taking place, please visit the network page on the intranet.

"Meno Movers raises awareness, providing a safe space to share experiences and support without judgement.

"The network is open to everyone; please don't think you're excluded and this is a woman's journey only - and one of a certain age at that. You might be working or living with someone going through menopause, and you may gain a lot from a network group." Karen, Continuous Improvement Manager and Meno Movers member.

Our Carer's Network at Progress Housing Group became Carers Together in March 2022.

Carers Together is a network of Progress Housing Group colleagues offering informal peer support.

Carers Together meets monthly and alternate between informal catch-ups with the chance to chat with other carers, and the opportunity to take part in an information session led by a guest speaker on a topic of relevance.

Are you a carer? Do you provide help, support or assistance to a relative or friend in their day-to-day life? If so, then you are probably a carer and you may not even realise it!

Who is a carer?

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for friends or family members who are older, disabled or seriously ill and are unable to care for themselves. Ask people who meet this definition and they would probably say they are “just looking after someone”.

It is important to acknowledge that caring:

  • for a sick or disabled relative or friend can happen overnight
  • can be hard to cope with emotionally
  • has different milestones as people learn to support a disability or degenerative condition.

There are many reasons why people become carers. It can happen gradually or overnight, depending on the circumstances. No matter how it happens or for whom, the underpinning reason for becoming a carer is usually love. We want to do the 'right thing' to help those we love or care about.

"It can be a very lonely journey with lots of uncertainty, never knowing if you are doing the right thing or if your 'best' is good enough; it is for this reason that our colleagues set up Carers Together." - Diane Nash, Customer Voice Manager, and Carers Together member. 

At Progress Housing Group we recognise and value the work that carers do and want to help carers access the information and support they need, where and when they need it.

The network is open to all colleagues, and if you’d like to find out more about being part of the group and when the next meetings are taking place, please visit the employee intranet.