Here's everything you need to know how well we are doing.
We closely monitor our performance in all service delivery areas against our key performance indicators and the requirements of the consumer standards.
We ask our tenants to tell us how satisfied they are with us through informal feedback opportunities and our formal tenant governance and scrutiny framework. It is important to us that our tenants drive change and influence decision-making at every level of the organisation.
Our Board board reviews regular reports on performance against specific targets.
We share performance information in our newsletters, on social media, in our annual report, tenant annual review, and on our website.
Find out more about how well we deliver our Customer Promises, deal with complaints, meet our Tenant Satisfaction Measures, and ensure Value for Money.
Unless indicated otherwise, performance information is at Group - level and includes data for RWP supported living. Reports will also include Key Unlocking Futures charity, Progress Living, and Progress Lifeline where applicable.
In March 2024, the Regulator of Social Housing has graded Progress Housing Group, Progress Housing Association Limited, Reside Housing Association Limited as a G1 and V1 for governance and viability.